


By Michael K. Farrar, O.D.

© God’s Breath Publications


Sometimes for enjoyment I visit thrift shops, secondhand stores, and Salvation Army establishments looking for books, collectibles and tools. This interest came from my past history of visiting such stores looking for video game systems to repair and sell on Ebay. I also developed some friendships at the time with people who collected such things to sell to me to help with their income. They would visit the garage/yard sales in the area and call me when they found items they thought I would want to buy from them. I developed some interesting relationships with these individuals and I share here a true story that I wish to use for an illustration in this “homily” (short teaching) I wish to share with you.


Many years ago l met a man who supplemented his income in this way by making the garage/yard sale circuit. He then would give me a call and ask if I was interested in what he had found.


Here’s how the conversation went when I answered the phone.




“Hi, remember me. I’m Dave. I find video game stuff for you to buy.”


“Yes, I remember. So have you found some things for me?”


“Yes. I’ve got a box of game systems and games that you might be interested in. I would have called sooner but I haven’t been feeling good the last few days.”


“What’s wrong? Are you sick?”


“Well sometimes I find things to sell in dumpsters. I’ve been running a little low on cash recently. I know I shouldn’t do it, but I’ve been eating out of some of the dumpsters. I guess I’ve got the stomach flu.”


“I’m sorry to hear you’re sick. You’re right, that probably wasn’t a very wise thing to do. Is there anything I can do?”


“No, I just need some money to buy some stomach medicine and I’ll be okay. I just need to stop eating out of those dumpsters.”


“Yes, that would probably be a very good idea.”


I hung up the phone and cringed a little as I thought about eating food found in a dumpster. I don’t know if Dave was really as broke as he let on or if he was just trying to save a few bucks. Whatever the reason, he was paying a price for his lack of wisdom.


I wonder how many of us make the same choice as Dave did, but in a spiritual sense? Are we tempted at times to feed spiritually on the decaying scraps of nourishment the world has to offer rather than spiritual food from our Lord? We expose ourselves to paper publications, television shows and movies that are often the furthest thing from godly morals and precepts.


Spiritually we need proper nourishment to grow and mature as Christians. Scripture instructs us that it makes a difference what we expose ourselves to and involve ourselves with. Philippians 4:8 is an example of such wisdom. It says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable‑if anything is excellent or praiseworthy‑think about such things.”


We have an awesome responsibility not only to our Lord, but also ourselves, to feed responsibly on proper spiritual food such as reading and applying the Bible, going to church to be taught precepts from the Holy Scriptures as well as attending a small group fellowship to study the Bible, fellowship with other Christians and minister to others with our spiritual gifts. Wise choices concerning how we live our lives can go a long way in maturing us as children of our Lord and King. Just as an improper diet can cause us to become unhealthy and weak, a poor spiritual diet can do great harm to our spiritual development.


The problem we often face when choosing our spiritual diet is that we can often be deceived. Unlike discarded food in a dumpster, the food offered by the world is often candy‑coated or presented with an appearance of goodness. It takes discernment and wise counsel to discern the death and decay that lies beneath the surface. God has provided us with several types of counselors to see through the deception of damaging spiritual food. Some of these counselors are as follows:


  1. Scripture is God’s Word that can serve to guide us in the proper choices for spiritual food.


“2 Timothy 3:16‑17, “All Scripture is God‑breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


  1. Fellow Believers can often serve to balance our lives and temper our judgments. One reason for belonging to a local church is so that you can benefit from the counsel of those who care about you and are spiritually wise.


“Proverbs 15:22, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”


  1. The Holy Spirit is given to all Believers when they accept Christ as their Savior. One purpose of His presence in the Christian is to guide and direct their path. He is a source for strength in making proper choices and a wealth of wisdom if we simply listen for His prompting. He also helps us understand the Bible and apply it as well.


John 16:13, “When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.”


  1. Prayer is another way we can obtain counsel and guidance in choosing proper spiritual nourishment. Through prayer we can converse with the Creator of the Universe. Our Heavenly Father is very willing to guide us in the path we should take, and the decisions we need to make.


1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”


We have been given a variety of counselors to help in our Christian life, but they are useless unless we are willing to listen. We must recognize that while it is good to avoid dining in dumpsters, it is our flesh that draws us to such distasteful meals. If we are consistently tempted to partake of the food of the world we have a problem with our heart and our relationship with our Lord. We need a change of heart by allowing Christ to live through us if we are going to avoid spiritual dumpster dining.


If our heart has truly been transformed by our acceptance of Christ as our Savior, we will avoid the garbage of this world. Wise counsel will warn us of places, things, and actions that might appear acceptable, but in reality are simply dumpsters full of filthy spiritual, mental and emotional garbage. We must be motivated by a heart willing to live for Jesus and have our eyes and ears open to the counsel that the Lord provides to help us walk in the path He has set before us.


Are there some places you frequent that are nothing more than an overflowing dumpster? Are there things you do that resemble eating spoilt food out of a garbage can? Does your thought life reflect a balanced diet of spiritual food that our Lord would be proud of, or does it reflect decaying filth that is not proper for human consumption?


We are called to be Children of the light.   We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation. God commands us to be holy as He is holy. Why not check your heart and seek wise counsel. Let the Lord Jesus rule your life as He was meant to?


Ephesians 5:11‑17

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible….Be very careful, then, how you live‑ not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”