


By Michael K. Farrar, B.S., O.D.

© God’s Breath Publications  –  www.godsbreathpublications.com

  1. Creation of the Heavens


  1. There are actually 3 heavens spoken of in the Bible and God created all of them.


  1. The residence of God and angles. This is the heaven that God resides in. Though God cannot be limited to any specific physical place, the Bible does speak of a heaven where activities take place regarding angels, the souls of those believes who have died, Jesus and God. This heaven was created by God before any of the other heavens.


  1. Outer Space. This is another heaven which was created by God, but remained void of stars or planets until the fourth day of creation.


  1. Earth’s Atmosphere. This is yet another heaven spoken of in scripture which God created. It is the heaven closest to the earth and contains the air we breathe. The atmosphere on the day of creation has been speculated to be one of the three types.


  1. Very similar to today’s atmosphere. Since God created life, He could also create the atmosphere to sustain it.


  1. It was somewhat similar to today’s atmosphere, although it could have evolved and changed as life changed and needed different components for survival. God might have gradually developed life and    therefore the atmosphere needed to sustain it.


  1. It was very different than today’s atmosphere, being composed of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water. These elements were basic ones which were present in the primitive atmosphere of the earth. With these present and different types of energy sources, life could be created. This is the interpretation of evolutionists.
  1. The Days of Creation (Genesis 1,2)
  1. Day One.
  1. The appearance of general “light” and “darkness.”
  1.   This is not necessarily light and darkness as we know it in relation to the earth.
  1. Day Two.
  1. A space or “expanse” was created to separate the waters below (ocean) from the waters from above. (A “Vapor Canopy” possibly.)
  1. The “Vapor canopy” theory has been proposed for the explanation of the waters from above.
  1. Day Three.
  1. Land is created.
  1. Plants are created next – vegetation.
  1. Day Four


  1. The Sun is created.
  1. The Moon is created.
  1. The Stars are created.
  1. Day Five
  1. The Sea Creatures are created.
  1. The Air Creatures are created.
  1. Day Six
  1. Land Animals are created.
  1. Man and Woman are created.
  1. Day Seven
  1. God rests (While God resting may cause us to question was he “exhausted” which would seem to indicate he was tired or worn out from His creating, it is much more plausible and Biblically correct to assume that He rested from his creating to view the magnificent work he had made take pleasure in the beauty and magnificence of His creative work.
  1. The Holy Sabbath is established.