

Bible Study Tools for Reading the Bible More Effectively

From Logos Bible Software

Read about Logos Bible Study Software below. If you are interested in knowing more about this amazing software product, there is a link to their website at the bottom of this page.


Bible study tools come in all different shapes and sizes and the best ones can really make a difference in your comprehension of the book.


Christians today have unprecedented access to the Bible, and yet the availability doesn’t help too much if you don’t read it regularly and in context. Let’s take a look at the tools that can help you learn more about the Bible.


Below, you’ll read about different kinds of Bible study tools and what you can do with them—along with some suggested resources to get you started.


Bible study tools frequently asked questions


If you’re just getting started exploring the Bible and the many available Bible study tools, you might have a few questions.


Hopefully, these answers can give you a better understanding of what Bible study tools are and how they can help you grow deeper in your relationship with God.


What are Bible study tools?


Bible study tools are any resources that can assist people in reading, understanding, and studying the Bible.


There are many different types of Bible study tools available. Most tend to fall into one of two categories: the Bible (which is available in many English translations and supplementary resources. We’ll cover each of these in more detail below.


In short, Bible study tools can help provide important historical context, find translation differences between versions, determine the true meaning of a passage, and assist readers in applying the lessons to their own lives.


Why are Bible study tools important?


For anyone looking to read the Bible for the first time, or even seasoned veterans, studying the Bible can be quite an intimidating task. For one thing, the sheer length can be overwhelming.


The right Bible study tools can help you build a solid foundation on God’s Word (Matthew 7:24-27) and set the stage for continued spiritual growth.


One reason: Bible study tools can help you discover the historical context of Scripture—an often-overlooked key to understanding the Bible’s meaning.


The Bible was written thousands of years ago, and a lot has changed since then. Since most people don’t have a comprehensive knowledge of ancient Greek, Roman, and Hebrew language and cultures, the historical context can sometimes be swept aside in the rush to interpret and apply Scripture. But forgetting the Bible’s context leads to a horde of problems, including proof-texting, “eisegesis” (when a person reading the bible, reads in their own ideas rather than seeking to see what the real meaning of the verse states) and other costly interpretation errors. 


What does the Bible say about Bible study tools?


Some people might ask: Why do I need any Bible study tools? Why not just give me the Bible? Why do I need extra help?


To answer these questions: let’s review the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). It’s about a Jewish man who was robbed and injured while traveling. Several Jewish officials pass by the man and leave him for dead. The man is saved only when a Samaritan man stumbles upon him and decides to take him under his wing and nurse him back to health.


Part of the punch of the parable is at the very end when Jesus says, “…and he was a Samaritan.” Luke never tells us about the animosity between the Samaritans and the Jews. The Gospel of John does, but not in connection with the parable.


Instead, Luke assumes that readers know what he means—that they have this background cultural knowledge. He didn’t have to say, “Wink-wink, Jews don’t like Samaritans.” He just assumed readers would know that. And Jesus assumed that the person he was talking to knew that; and the Bible assumes that you know it.


But if you do know it, it’s likely because someone or something has filled in that knowledge for you—such as a pastor, commentary, or devotional. So you’re already bringing outside knowledge to your study of the text.


From here, you could ask, who else do I want to bring into this conversation and learn from? Or, what other questions do I have about this text, and where can I find the answers?


That’s where secondary resources such as Bible dictionaries come in. They equip you with ways to dig in and find more information when you have questions about a passage.


However, it’s important to remember that while “all Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16), outside Bible tools are not.


These tools work best when you recognize their limitations and consult a wide range of similar, reputable sources so you can spot faithful ways to understand the text.


What is the best way to study the Bible?


The best way to study the Bible—and the best Bible study tools to do it with—depends on what you’re looking to get out of your efforts. For example, someone reading the Bible to research historical accuracy would employ different methods than someone studying the Bible to strengthen their relationship with God.


While everyone has their own preferred method for studying the Bible, the best way to start is by using this three-step hermeneutical process (the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary texts):


  • Observation: What does the text say?
  • Interpretation: What does the text mean?
  • Application: What does this mean for my life?


However, those studying Scripture for lesson or sermon prep, academic research, or systematic theology will likely find other methods that help them discover jewels in God’s Word.


Regardless, we suggest studying the Bible with multiple Bible study tools in hand to get the most out of your reading. Now, let’s jump into our favorites and get started!


Types of Bibles


Did you know that there are tons of different types of Bibles available in hundreds of different styles, languages, and approaches to learning? While you’re certainly able to study the Bible with any book or app you have on hand, these unique resources provide additional tools for effective learning.


Study Bible

Study Bibles combine multiple study tools (such as a Bible dictionary and commentary) into one relatively compact volume. Study Bibles are often able to deliver powerful insights, but the notes within are usually much more concise and to-the-point than full commentaries. When sold in print, the text of the Bible is placed right alongside or above the notes and articles.


Favorites include: Faithlife Study Bible, CSB Study Bible, ESV Study Bible


There are hundreds of study Bibles to choose from across as many different translations, so you’re sure to find one that suits your needs.


Resources like commentaries and study Bibles offer a great alternative to the study notes included in the Faithlife Study Bible. If you’d like to survey multiple opinions while you study (e.g., a commentary and another study Bible), you can quickly switch between them.


Parallel Bible


Studying a parallel Bible is arguably the easiest way to compare and contrast the text in various translations across a single resource. And using multiple Bible translations in your study is one of the most overlooked but beneficial practices you can implement!


The choices that translators make are not arbitrary. When two translations “disagree” on the translation of a particular verse or phrase, it’s not necessarily that one is right and the other is wrong (although that is possible). Here’s how Dr. Mark Ward describes it:


“Having 10 translations is like having 10 teachers who are focused, laser-like, on the Bible text, doing barely anything more than reading it with expression and feeling. . . . Their expressions and their feelings will differ for various reasons, and it is in those contrasts that the value of reading multiple translations lies.”


Because juggling paper versions of all those translations is cumbersome, you might want to invest in a parallel Bible that includes multiple translations laid out in columns alongside one another. That way, you can learn from many different teachers at once, without having to flip back and forth between resources.


Journaling Bible


A step up from your everyday Bible, a journaling Bible gives you a bit more flexibility for highlighting and note-taking.


These Bibles have extra-wide margins, and some of them are even lined for note-taking. Others are “interleaved,” which means blank pages for note-taking are bound along with Scripture.

Journaling Bibles are great for getting your notes down on paper while studying without having to lug around an additional notebook. Instead, you can jot down any thoughts, questions, or prayers you have right alongside the related passages.


Plus, it can be a rewarding experience to have your own notes to look back on each time you reread a section of the Bible. The only thing you’ll need to worry about is running out of space next to your favorite verses and stories!


Loose-leaf Bible


Loose-leaf Bibles are large; three-ring binders containing every page of Scripture laid out with roomy margins and, typically, slightly wider line spacing (called leading).


But the biggest advantage isn’t just all this space—it’s the fact that you can remove and copy pages without destroying your Bible.


Here’s what one pastor has to say about them:


“When I was preaching regularly, I would photocopy the passage from my NIV Loose-leaf Bible and scratch away without worrying about ruining the original page. I often went through multiple copies of the same passage. Even the simple fact that I could wad up a page and throw it away with a clean conscience was freeing. I was able to let go of inhibitions and truly dig into the text without feeling like my thoughts on a passage would be permanently fixed on my copy of the holy writ!”


Although these Bibles don’t offer nearly the flexibility of digital Bible study tools, it’s worth considering. And if you don’t want to spring for one from the big publishers, you can print one yourself.


Reader’s Bible


A reader’s Bible is essentially an easy-to-read, simplified version of the Bible.


Previously, we’ve mentioned some of the powerful tools that today’s Bibles have begun to incorporate to help the reader go deeper into their studies. Elements such as translation tools, in-text commentaries, cross-references, footnotes, and dictionary snippets can provide the reader with a more comprehensive look at a passage. However, it can also overwhelm the reader and detract from the original text—that is, God’s Word.


That’s why a reader’s Bible strips the text down to the most basic elements required for reading. A reader’s Bible may only contain simple page numbers and references. This way, the reader can focus directly on the God-breathed words at hand and draw their own conclusions—with the help of outside sources, if necessary.


Digital Bible


If you’re looking for a Bible you can fearlessly mark up, easily switch between translations, and discover valuable insights into each passage, this is by far the most versatile option.


Think of it as a journaling study Bible with infinite margins, combined with a loose-leaf Bible of limitless flexibility, and crossed with a parallel Bible with every translation imaginable! All of our favorite digital Bible study tools are contained within a comprehensive platform known as Logos Bible Software.


Bible translations & examples


Perhaps you’ve sat in a church service and wondered why your copy of the Bible wasn’t in sync with what the preacher was reading from the pulpit. That’s because the Bible has been translated into the English language in more than 900 different ways.


Now, you might be wondering what makes each of those versions different from the next—and which one is the best to read. You’ve likely heard of some of the more well-known ones, such as the King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), or English Standard Version (ESV). However, there are hundreds more that even the most well-versed biblical scholar is not likely to name.


Because there are so many, the simplest way to compare and contrast these various Bible translations is by breaking them down into three overarching categories. We’ll discuss each type in more detail below:


Word-for-word translations


Also known as a literal translation or formal equivalent, word-for-word translations tend to be the most historically accurate Bibles available. As the name implies, they attempt to find a one-to-one English word for every Hebrew or Greek word written in the original texts.


Example: New American Standard Bible


To better understand the differences between Bible translations, we’ll look at a popular Bible verse translated in each fashion.


Take a look at John 3:16 as translated into the NASB:


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NASB)


These translations can sometimes be hard to follow (particularly for new Christians or young readers) because the language can seem clunky or even outdated. For example, the word “begotten” is not an often-used word in the English language today, and many readers might miss the meaning of the phrase. However, you can’t beat a word-for-word translation when it comes to understanding the Bible more deeply.


Thought-for-thought translations


Thought-for-thought translations may also be referred to as the dynamic equivalent of the original text. That’s because, unlike word-for-word translations, thought-for-thought versions attempt to convey meaning by translating entire phrases into contemporary language, grammar, and styles.


Example: New International Version


Here’s how the New International Version translates John 3:16:


“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NIV)


Thought-for-thought translations are often just as biblically faithful as word-for-word translations. Panels of Bible scholars work together to ensure, that the final result of these translations are highly accurate and understandable by modern readers.




Paraphrased Bible versions are also known as free translations. They are the most loosely translated from the Greek or Hebrew languages while attempting to capture the same overall meanings.


In fact, some Bible experts argue that paraphrased Bibles are not translations in and of themselves, but rather a supplementary tool to be used alongside a word-for-word or thought-for-thought text.


Regardless, these Bibles have the potential to be powerful resources for those wanting to study the Bible in a more accessible, relevant way.


Example: The Message


Here’s how The Message translates John 3:16:


“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.” (John 3:16, The Message)


As you can see, this iteration of the verse is most similar to the way someone might speak to a friend today. It can be especially useful for new believers, or those looking to get into Bible study for the first time.


After trying out a couple different versions of the Bible, you’re likely to land on a personal favorite. Some are easier to read than others, while certain translations can boast greater historical accuracy. Oftentimes, it does come down to personal preference.


While you’ll probably stick closely to your favorite Bible version, reading a passage in different Bible translations is a great way to study the Bible more in depth. For example, reading John 3:16 in the NASB, NIV, and The Message can help show you the meaning of “begotten” or answer other questions you might have.


And if you’re still stuck after leveraging several Bible translations, that’s where supplementary tools can come in handy to help you illuminate the Word.


Supplementary Bible study tools


Now we step into the world of secondary Bible study tools. These resources are not Bibles themselves, but the insight they provide has the ability to bring your studies to the next level.


Bible dictionary

As you’re progressing through your study, you’ll inevitably encounter questions that simply can’t be answered by comparing multiple translations or making observations of the text without additional aids. Eventually, you’ll want to tap into some of the insights other Christians have discovered.


That’s why a Bible dictionary is essential for your growing Bible study toolkit. A Bible dictionary collects important information from the Bible about people, places, concepts, doctrines, and more, all in one centralized, convenient location. Often, an entry will refer to other relevant biblical passages that can help shed light on the one you’re studying—which is essential for understanding Scripture in context.


Bible dictionaries are a lot like English dictionaries, but they are focused on biblical words. Rather than providing modern definitions, they describe what a given word means when used in the Bible. Some more technical Bible dictionaries will include references to the Greek and Hebrew, while others stick to the English.


Top recommendations:

Lexham Bible Dictionary

The Tyndale Bible Dictionary

Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words


Bible encyclopedia


Bible encyclopedias are similar to Bible dictionaries in concept (i.e., both are organized alphabetically by topic), but encyclopedias are far greater in scope.


While dictionaries typically have short entries for quick reference, encyclopedias tend to have longer articles covering people, places, events, objects, and more as found in the Bible. Bible encyclopedias often go into much greater historical and cultural detail than dictionaries.



Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible


Plus, when you get a digital Bible encyclopedia in Logos, you’ll see links to it in your study notes whenever the text you’re reading mentions a topic it addresses. In this way, Logos gets more detailed and powerful as you add additional resources.




So you’ve gone through the observation phase of your Bible study, marking up your Bible with notes and highlights and comparing different translations. You’ve looked up biblical people, places, and events in your Bible dictionaries or used Bible software to discover other relevant passages. You’ve examined cross-references and studied the surrounding context, and now you are entering interpretation mode.


If you haven’t already, now’s the time to consult a good commentary.


But because they make up a single book, one-volume commentaries can’t give extensive insights. That’s why if you’re going to spend a while in a single biblical book, we recommend picking up one (or many!) good commentaries on that book.


Commentaries can go verse by verse or passage by passage through the Bible or a particular section. This organization system is called “versification” because it follows the book, chapter, and verse structure of the biblical text.


Commentaries are meant to be used in parallel with the Bible’s text, offering explanations, insights, textual notes, historical background, and more. Most commentaries also include introductions to the books of the Bible, providing details such as the book’s author, as well as when, where and why it was written and a helpful outline.


And often, the best commentaries include long, practical application points, which make them a wonderful tool for personal devotions.



High Definition Commentary Collection

Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament

Tyndale Commentaries


When you’re picking out a commentary tool, consider getting one specifically designed for preachers—whether you’re a preacher or not! These volumes are often intensely practical and are sometimes drawn from a preacher’s actual sermons.




In a contemporary classic on Bible interpretation, New Testament scholar Grant Osborne says that “you must transition from text to context in a continuous movement that slowly spirals inward toward the center, to the meaning of a passage—and how it applies to your life.”

Put simply, studying a passage in isolation puts you at risk of misinterpretation.


To avoid this, you’ll need some way to effectively search the Bible and make connections between passages. One way to do this is with a concordance.


In short, a concordance lists every word in the Bible, based on the original languages and every passage where that word appears.


This is helpful, for instance, if you’re studying 1 Thessalonians 4:3 and come across the word “sanctification.” By looking up that word in a concordance, you can find everywhere it appears in Scripture. From there, you can identify everywhere Paul used that word and study the context of each time it’s used. This can guide you toward thorough understanding of biblical concepts and deeper knowledge of God’s Word.


Favorite concordances:

Everyday Access: Your Bible Concordance

The New Thematic Concordance

Strong’s Guide to Bible Words


Recently, basic concordances have fallen out of popularity because it’s so much easier to search in a digital Bible. For example, in a concordance, you can’t look up everywhere Peter spoke to Jesus, or where an entire phrase like “love one another” appears, or where the word “holiness” appears near the word “immorality.”


Even Google can’t do that kind of searching for you. It’s something you can only do with effective digital Bible study tools—as developments in digital Bible study tools have made complex searches like this more approachable.


That being said, the more advanced concordances are still useful due to their ability to search by grander topics and themes, rather than simple word searches.




Harmonies take books of the Bible that overlap one another in content, and they show how the books fit together. In other words, they reorganize biblical content to flow chronologically so that you can find parallel passages more easily.


The most common variety is Gospel harmonies, combining the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; however, harmonies also exist for other books, such as Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles.


Top recommendations for Gospel harmonies:

Harmony of the Gospels

Jesus Christ: The Greatest Life

A Simplified Harmony of the Gospels


Many harmonies only include Scripture references, while others place the actual texts in parallel columns. In fact, a few harmonies actually combine the four Gospels into a single text that flows chronologically. And, as always, effective digital tools can make utilizing a harmony easier than ever.




Lectionaries are Bible reading plans that organize texts and passages into weekly readings. They often span three-year cycles, designated years A, B, and C. The idea is to provide believers around the world with a shared reading schedule.



Revised Common Lectionary

Book of Common Prayer

Lutheran Service Book

Book of Common Worship


While some lectionaries include only the readings themselves, others include reflections on the texts—almost like a miniature commentary!




Devotionals are one of the most common Bible study tools, but they have a wide variety among them.


For instance, some focus on a single book or passage of the Bible, while others focus on one or multiple topics. Some devotionals include a year’s worth of reading, while others only last for a month. Some are meant to be read in the morning and others in the evening. Some have entries for both morning and evening.


Devotionals are excellent tools for everyone, whether you’re a new Christian or a longtime pastor. For new believers, they can help you form healthy Bible reading and prayer habits. For mature Christians, they can keep you focused on studying God’s Word for your personal growth—and not just for the sermon or lesson you’re preparing.



Connect the Testaments: A Daily Devotional

My Utmost for His Highest

Streams in the Desert


A devotional is a great way to begin digging deeper into biblical passages where you might have only been skimming the surface before. Plus, they can be great to read through with a friend or two to keep each other on track and discuss your thoughts!


Bible atlas


With so many locations mentioned in the Bible—some of which don’t even exist anymore—it can become difficult to keep track. Bible atlases are collections of maps that show the world as it was in biblical times and can be extremely useful for seeing how different biblical locations fit together in context.


Some favorites:

Lexham Geographic Commentaries

New Bible Atlas

Zondervan Atlas of the Bible


The events in Scripture happened in a particular time to a particular people at a particular place. Bible atlases can help uncover what makes locations significant—an important key to understanding a passage’s meaning.


Atlases can be especially helpful for those who are visual learners. Many Bible atlases even show the paths followed by biblical people during their travels, which can assist the reader in better understanding these passages. It’s almost like being able to take a walk in the narrator’s shoes!


Bible study software/apps


Each of the aforementioned Bible study tools has its own unique benefits. However, sitting down with a 2,000-page Bible reference work can seem a bit dated when you think about the simplicity and prevalence of digital tools like Google and ebooks.


That’s why serious Bible study is easier with serious Bible study software. Logos Bible Software‘s powerful, intuitive tools and vast libraries are the perfect way to expand your understanding of the Scriptures.


Of course, if you’re not a pastor, scholar, or ministry leader, it may feel hard to justify the expense of buying a full Bible software package, which typically includes a library of hundreds of resources. Plus, if you’ve never used Bible software before, you may want to try it out for a while before going full speed.


In this case, you might want to check out Logos Basic—a free version of Logos Bible Software that provides tons of Bible study tools, including a collection of Bible study resources, some translations, extensive note-taking abilities, and mobile app.


Even further, Logos Fundamentals takes the Basic package a few steps further with an extensive library of digital Bible study tools available at your fingertips.


Top picks


Lexham Bible Dictionary (Free)

With more than 7,000 articles, 4.5 million words, and contributions from over 700 top scholars from around the world, the Lexham Bible Dictionary (LBD) is the most advanced Bible dictionary in existence. The LBD connects you to the best and most recent scholarship from people committed to the authority of the Bible. It’s an invaluable resource to make God’s Word more approachable and more understandable—all for the sake of Christ’s gospel reaching and educating more people.


The Lexham Bible Dictionary is an academic resource—but we made it accessible for everyone. Because the dictionary supplements the biblical text, you’ll see the most relevant information at the top of each article. This makes it a great tool for Bible studies, Sunday school classes, small groups, and, of course, your own personal study.


Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (AYBD) is a good starting point for any study on a biblical person, place, theological theme, or cultural concept. The AYBD provides valuable insights into the background of the biblical world, drawing from a range of ancient Near Eastern texts from Judaica, Church history, and other relevant sources.

Each article is a comprehensive and extensively cited study. And although it’s academic writing, it’s not overly technical, so the resource is accessible to a layperson with little to no history in Bible studies. The AYBD is an invaluable resource for helping today’s readers understand the biblical authors’ mindset and for making sense of the message God shares through them.


Zondervan Exegetical Commentary

Countless commentary series exist, and for good reason—each series is designed to meet a specific set of needs. It’s always important to know what you want in a commentary before purchasing.


The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary, for example, focuses on literary and discourse features that provide a fresh translation from the traditional Greek. Each volume provides detailed literary and sentence-flow outlines, comments on how each discrete unit of the text contributes to the overall passage, and concluding sections on the theological application. This series is ideal for pastors and scholars alike as they seek to understand and communicate God’s Word.


What to do next?


Of course, it’s going to take a good amount of time and effort for you to learn the Bible. Bible study is, after all, a lifelong calling for all Christians. But having the right tools at hand is crucial for ensuring a top-notch experience. And the ones included in this list are by no means an exhaustive directory!


We know that each person is at a different place in their walk with the Lord. That’s why we have an abundance of Bible study tools curated specifically with you in mind. Here are our suggestions for powerful Bible study software depending on your needs:


For people new to Bible study:


Get Logos Basic for free. With easy-to-use Bible reading plans, a base of Bible study resources, and a user-friendly mobile app, you can start doing in-depth Bible study in no time.


For small group or Bible study leaders:


Give Logos Fundamentals a try. It’s got a variety of Bible study tools you can use right out of the gate—and it gives you a chance to see how Logos can help you dig deep in Scripture and prepare better lessons.


For pastors or church leaders:


Logos Silver is the lowest package we recommend to pastors, because it includes a wealth of tools for biblical studies and theology. However, if you’re not ready to make the leap, you can get a taste of how Logos can maximize your time in Scripture, so you can get to the meat in God’s Word quickly.


Whichever plan you choose, make sure that you keep reading, keep researching, and keep studying the Bible!