


Michael K. Farrar, O.D.

© God’s Breath Publications


Why study Science from a Biblical perspective?


We are constantly exposed to teachings, new ideas, proposed theories and perplexing discoveries which need to be interpreted according to the scriptures. The Bible is not intended to be a scientific book, but it does have information and truth which is relevant to God’s creation of the universe, our solar system and especially to the planet earth upon which we live.


When we study the earth through the areas of science such as geology, paleontology, biology, physics, chemistry, zoology, astronomy, medicine, astrophysics to mention only a few, we are studying the creation that God spoke into existence. Atheists and agnostics would very likely disagree with such a comment, but as Disciples of Christ, men and women who serve a risen Savior, we should be responsible, thinking, inquisitive creatures to understand more about the world and universe we live in. I believe the more we comprehend the complexity as well as the simplicity of God’s Creation, the more we can marvel at our Heavenly Father’s POWER and CREATIVITY. This will not only create an awe and wonder in our hearts and minds, it will also stimulate us to worship and serve Him in great and simple ways.


When we study God’s creation we also become aware of the responsibilities that God has given us to care for and use the resources He has placed at our disposal. As Disciples of Christ we understand that when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, their sin fractured their relationship with God and affected all of what God had created. While God chose to punish Adam and Eve with mortality, He also chose to change the perfection He had created on earth and in the universe to demonstrate how horrible rebellion against Him can be and how sinful thoughts and actions can impact anything that it touches. Such a loving, generous and perfect God we have, yet He also must be fair and just in His decisions.


There is a strong need for Disciples of Christ to be involved in scientific studies and research. Scientists are called to be objective and truthful when they seek to obtain knowledge of the created universe in all areas of scientific studies. But, scientists are fallible humans and often it is apparent that some aspect of bias can often taint the interpretation of experiments and scientific study. This includes atheists as wells as those who are Christians. Having been schooled in many areas of the sciences and having deep interest in such fields of study I see my own Christian bias at times, but I also challenge myself to be open for the testing of my faith in the Holy Scripture. God’s Truth can stand any test or question. Many times in the study of the sciences there is no immediate answer to a question or conflict of information. I believe an honest scientist would say that there is truth that can be found, but sometimes it is elusive and there are times our conclusions and theories seem to be correct at the time, but later can be found in error.


The scientist who is a Disciple of Christ has a responsibility to be humble as he or she seeks to find truth through study and experimentation. They can work hard to follow the scientific method, which is the method of procedure that consists of systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing and modification of hypotheses. The scientific method for those who are unaware of its content is as follows; Make an observation. Ask a question. Propose a hypothesis. Make predictions. Test the predictions. Iterate, or repeat, repeat and repeat to verify that what is understood to be true from the scientific study is proven.


The scientist who is a Follower of Christ can also offer some unique insights from what is discovered in science and how they relate to the Holy Scriptures; God’s Holy Word and ultimate truth. Holy Scripture does not have to be excluded in scientific matters. It is true that it is a “religious” piece of literature, but it can offer insights into science that cannot be obtained from any other source.


There is a great need for Christian comment on scientific applications which would include consultation with Holy Scripture. It is true that the Bible  is a “religious” piece of literature, but it can offer insights into science that cannot be obtained from any other source.


There is a tremendous need for Disciples of Christ to be able to comment on scientific applications. There is a tremendous amount of dramatic development in science in our day. Our knowledge is FAR BEYOND our wisdom. We need a balanced view of what to do with the things we discover in our scientific study. Just because we discover and develop new drugs, techniques and applications; we must also seek to have wisdom in how we should or should not use them. We must foster a respect for moral and ethical standards in order not to misuse what we discover. We must ask the hard questions about whether we should use our new discoveries based on moral principles we obtain in the Holy Scriptures. The Christian comment on scientific applications can assure that God’s creation is not misused and that people, and I include the “unborn” also in my comment, are treated with respect and love by their fellow man.


Genesis 1:1-2, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”


Genesis 1:26-27, “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.””


Genesis 2:18, “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”


Genesis 2:21-23, “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.”


So began the legacy of the Human Race. We know what eventually happened through their act of sin against God. May we as Disciples of Christ seek to love God, live like Jesus Christ and be obedient to the Holy Spirit and God’s Word as we seek knowledge of our world and the universe in which we live. May we be awed by the power and majesty of God as we learn more about His creation and never forget to share the message of Truth and Hope that is contained in the Holy Word!